April 06, 2005

Just now, when I was walking back home (an hour ago, just before 10) I saw a HAMSTER running on the street. I wonder whether someone lost him or whether it was actually a mouse of some kind. It was scurrying about and I followed it until it passed under a gate. Who knows where it came from or what will now happen to it.
Today, The Helsinki Transport System could have certainly used our family for filming their newest commercial in the lines of "Helsinki Transport - Bringing people together every day of the week". On my way to Espoo in Ruoholahti, I caught the same bus Daddy was on. Then, later, I met Dea on the tram and we were both going to the same block in Hakaniemi. She was on her way to theatre and I was on my way to the rehearsal of Kauniiden Lasten Saari, which lasted until past nine. Tomorrow I won't have to spend so much time there, because Helen, the other harpist, is going to play. I was really proud today, because I went there half an hour in advance and had enough time to tune in peace, etc.
I really have to put the computer off now, because I still have some homework and I don't want to stay up late.
Piece of the day: Real Group - Spring is coming. For obvious reasons!!!


At 06 April, 2005 21:58, Blogger Martin said...

Just wanted to remind you that although I don't comment each and every entry, I still read everything you publish ;) and it's absolutely intriguing.


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