December 12, 2006

Christmas Lights

It's getting really cold in Graz! I finally had the courage to take out my winter coat after a traumatic experience I had with it some weeks ago. The handle of the front zipper broke and I wasn't able to open the thing!! Once at home, Petra came to the rescue with a supply of safety pins. There were different colours to pick from but I went with black. Anyway, so this year's winter fashion is once again on display. Note black leather gloves!

Morning atmosphere... From my room window, I can see Austria's third-highest church spire.

A year ago today (and it wouldn't be exaggerating to say around this time) we arrived in Quito for spending Christmas with the family. I celebrated my "Ecuador-day" by listening to Hillsong Australia, writing this article in Wikipedia about Mariscal Sucre intl airport, checking current prices for plane tickets, and calling my grandmother. What would life be without memories of our best experiences ever.

Thomawirt, our favourite local restaurant/bar just around the corner, gets in the Christmas spirit.

Some other things I did during the last 24h:
-Explained my philosophical attitude to beards to Thomas and Silvia.
-Went into shock when I realised how soon I am going home.
-Attended a crisis meeting in the Hungarian room. Result: The fridge is now clearly divided into everyone's own "territory".
-Got a phone call I wasn't expecting from an important friend.
-Got a phone call I wasn't expecting (wrong number).
-Peeled carrots. For someone else!!
-Congratulated someone on a new member in our family.

12.12.2005 Seconds before touching down on UIO:s runway 35.


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