Domestic scenes
Pictures in cooperation with Thomas, here cleaning his room with this remarkable invention.
I have to remember not to keep throwing banana peel and half-eaten apples into my less-than-frequently emptied trash bin - I came upon some nasty surprises today while frantically rummaging through it looking for an important document. It seems to be running in the family lately. Speaking of which, I got a fantastic package today from home!
In between lessons today, I made a visit to a familiar friend - the cash machine. Today I realised my financial strategy needs a makeover and it's not always wise to take out cash every day in minuscule amounts. As a result, I marvelled at all the different-coloured bills Herr Bankomat spat out for me. Maybe I need some kind of financial advisor? (I already have a strong candidate for this).
Anita shares a midnight laugh with her roommate in the Hungarian room.
Our apartment has been putting on some entertainment for us again. I don't know whether "entertainment" is the right term for flash flooding in our bathroom, but it certainly made my jaw drop when I looked out of the shower and saw my house shoes swimming all over the place. On top of it all, the warm water finished again. In an act of bravery, Petra literally plunged into dangerous waters after having come home from aerobic while Thomas kept the mood up with x-rated stories of unnamed body parts which needed a wash.
Anyway, so if our desperate efforts to stop the flooding (see picture) don't do the trick, we'll be making some desperate phone calls tomorrow. Otherwise, all is fine at our home. Supplies on essential household items are on the plus side again (although if someone doesn't buy toilet paper soon we're looking at some big problems), if you know what I mean (this reminds me I haven't yet written my promised entry on Austrian toilets).
No idea who this crazy guy is.
It's getting really late but that's okay because technically I can sleep until 15 o'clock tomorrow. I got a job accompanying a choir in a concert in January. We're not talking about your regular four-voice accompaniment - one of the pieces in the programme is Brahms's "Schicksalslied", a major work originally for orchestra and choir. I'm looking at a lot of work to make the piano sound like the Berliner Philharmoniker, but I'm looking forward to it! I'm also very much looking west - to my bed. I hope you enjoyed the post! Don't forget to check out what was in today!
I agree, almost unrecognizable!
Dices que hablas cristiano pero...
¿acaso también hablas manchego?
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