Last draft
A morning moment in Merangasse 52.
Here I am, typing away in my dark room here at my great-aunt's house in Vienna. Well, biologically speaking, she is not my great-aunt, but the ex-wife of my great-uncle in Ecuador. It's a long story and I think we've had enough family history for a while.
This is clearly not my day for blogging. I've already written two entries and then deleted them. In the first, I tried to write a funny account of my 2,5h trip from Graz to Vienna. The thing is, nothing funny really happened. In the second one, I wrote down some reasons why this is one of the best cities to be. It sounded like something out of a bad guidebook. I'm going to give it one more chance and then go to bed.
It's funny how I usually have ideas for my next entries, but coming up with one just now seems so difficult. I could write about the wonderful shops I have been in today and yesterday, or about how I felt today when I found a travel magazine whose latest issue was dedicated entirely to Finland, with beautiful pictures and informative articles. I could turn this into an account of all the wonderful things which have been happening in the past days and how I feel right now about the future or list some really great pieces of music in b minor (apart from the one you're thinking of now).
Or how about just writing about small things people have done or said to me last week - things which have made me suddenly laugh out in the street. They would probably not sound too good in a blog. Or how about just following a foolproof formula and writing an entry with lists of stuff. You know, I could just choose the best pictures I have taken last month and publish them here without further ado. I've always wanted to write a short story, maybe this would be the right forum for that. No inspiration right now.
No, I'm sorry, I can't think of anything now. I'll just have to keep my readers waiting. Good night, wherever you are!
Question of the month: "So these Shakespeare songs - is the text by Mäntyjärvi as well?" Take a bow, my anonymous classmate :) And there, I wasn't able to hold that one back!
Pikkasen tipahdin tuosta kuukauden kysymyksestän :D :D :D
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