Sleepless in Estonia
This is my first trip with the new computer, and having a wireless internet connection right here in my hotel room feels so luxurious I thought I would write an entry right away. After having walked once through the centre of Tarto (the second-largest city in Estonia) today, I can say I'm waiting for tomorrow, when I'll start some real exploring. The morning weather in Helsinki was nice and crisp and MS Meloodia stayed afloat the whole three hours' trip. I'm glad, however, that the return trip will be made on the express boat. A nice surprise was bumping into Dea on the tram down town.
On the way from Tallinn, we stopped at a place called Põltsamaa, where we got to see one of the most welcoming signs in recent history (see above) as well as test the acoustics of a big outdoor stage (just for fun). Dinner was at a good restaurant in Tarto, after which I tortured the singers for an hour or so with tomorrow's programme. We are split up into two hotels because everything here is fully booked - something tells me it's not because of eager audience members for our concert flooding the city from the surrounding countryside. But one can always dream...
Picture taken today at Põltsamaa.
It's funny to admit, but I find the "Finlandia"-hymn to be one of the most difficult "simple" Finnish pieces for choir to conduct. There, I said it.
"It's funny to admit, but I find the "Finlandia"-hymn to be one of the most difficult "simple" Finnish pieces for choir to conduct. There, I said it."
Mutta tuohan on laajasti tunnustettu tosiasia! Finlandia, ei ollenkaan nin helppoa kuin miltä näyttää... Kunhan sen saisi edes liikkeelle. Huh.
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