December 03, 2006

Second-hand and emulating Jamie Oliver

Talk about freak discoveries! I've found out where all our glasses have come from. They are ex-Nutella jars. Seriously! I'm not talking about those huge ones but smaller ones I have seen only here in Austria. I opened one today (those toasts are becoming an addictive midnight ritual) and stared at it, realising it was exactly similar to the glass from which I drank water last night. Well, what else can I do but pay my tributes to the countless Erasmus exchange students who have lived here before us. We've been busy researching the history of our home and are now convinced that absolutely everything here has been bought by people like us. The very first tenants must have had fun.

Before - After.
Improvising dinner today, I made a can of peeled tomatoes explode while trying to open it. The stuff was EVERYWHERE, including my spotless white t-shirt, and made me look like Jack the Ripper back home after a busy night. I immediately got rid of the t-shirt and soaked it in water, and proceeded with my work, giving a whole new meaning to the term "Naked Chef". I cleaned up, of course, but it seems to have been in vain - now we've got Monica's dinner all over the stove instead.

The weekend has been positively revitalising! Yesterday was miserable, but today the sun was shining when I got up (just before noon) and I decided to go out for a walk to the Schlossberg. It was full of people! Afterwards, my friend and I plunged into the christmas market on Hauptplatz and had some interesting fruits coated with chocolate (See picture). Back home, I finished my book and just took it easy. It was perfect! When I go back to Finland, I have to really make an effort to clear all Sundays completely free. There's nothing better!

View from the Schlossberg.
My family is moving tomorrow.I hope they get everything safely to the new apartment. I can't wait to see it! By the way, about Schumann: I may have been too hasty with what I said about his choral music. Last week, I got to know some of his pieces for double chorus and they definitely seem worth getting to know. It's time to get ready for the night. I had a great dream last night! It was so exciting - maybe I'll tell you more about it in another entry but I was travelling in Colombia and I hope I'll find out what happens next before tomorrow. Good night!

Meanwhile, the Finnish winter never ceases to surprise.


At 04 December, 2006 09:21, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jamie,

Add to what I'm watching list Das Leben den Anderen. It was FANTASTIC!!! And btw, a task for you before taking-off for Christmas holidays: Could you buy me all the cds form Annett Louisan that you can find? Pleeaaase...? I'll pay you back...

Bc from BF

At 04 December, 2006 09:30, Blogger Dani said...

The epitome of anonymousity strikes again :) Yes I wanted to see Das Leben der Anderen but it was too late. Em... I'll do my best with the Louisian cds. If you're lucky, I just might find some today!

At 04 December, 2006 14:55, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you love :)

Guess what, I've forgotten how to peel a kiwi.

Aren't I philosophical today? And... "asiallinen"?

Sorry for ruining your blog's commentary bar. I'll just go away.

Dominante Vocal Group, I presume?


At 10 December, 2006 02:05, Blogger dingobear said...

That's a nice photo from the Schlossberg.


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