Pictures from Helsinki

One of the most phlegmatic Saturdays in recent history is about to end. Okay, in the morning I did some window shopping and bought food. Have I mentioned that yoghurt here tastes really good? Anyway, but after that - nothing really. Right now, we are in for the night. Thomas, who just came to wish me good night, spent much of the day practising as usual, coming home only to prepare lunch for us (spaghetti with sausages). Petra, too, spent all day studying. When this happens, she spends hours on her sofa which is covered with her laptop, papers, folders, dictionaries, other books, whatever. Still, there is always space for me if I pop in for a chat (more often than not, these turn into therapy sessions - but who's counselling who?)!

The Czech girls have left home for the holidays. Anna's boyfriend came to pick her up yesterday and brought us a water boiler Petra and I inaugurated today by having some delicious tea Hamsa sent me a while ago (Brazilian Baía by Twinings - try it now!). Maria's boyfriend arrived last night from Romania and is staying for a week. We still have a bunch of chocolate profiterols she spent all of the previous night baking.

Things sprang to life at around nine when I was asked out for a pizza at Tropicana, a place I pass every day on my way to the Kunstuni. The thing is, every day I pass it I think to myself I will never be found in such a trashy place. Well, that's exactly where I found myself, sharing a pizza diavolo and discussing destiny. After that, a short stroll around the sidestreets of Merangasse. Perfect! It's probably true that we all need days like this sometimes. By the way, Carlos took these pictures some weeks ago in Helsinki. I took the one below, check it out!
As you can see, anyone hoping of becoming this year's Miss Lederhosen still has time to apply! Other top news stories in Graz include the officials declaring the Stadtpark is once again a safe place to walk through at night - it's too bad next day two police officers were assaulted there. There's a festival on Islamic culture going on this weekend, it might be worth checking out. Good night!