An eye for humour
Last week in a nutshell:
Recovering from Dominante's three-day recording session. Paid 1,10€ extra for the salmon at school, which tasted like crap. Taught in Laajalahti, took bus to Otaniemi in a big hurry - took wrong bus which didn't stop where I wanted to get out. Despite Dominante finishing earlier than usual (20:59) did not make it to fast bus back home - because of that bumped into Martin who was waiting for the next bus.
Sang Bartok's piece for womens' choir in solfège. Better lunch than on Monday. Practised the harp at home and made new compilations of Ecuador pictures. Taught in CM and went to Lauttasaari, where LL performed to an audience of seven (I prefer performing to seven people who are genuinely happy of the gesture than a hundred people who couldn't care less)
Slish-slosh day. Trousers soaked, shoes soggy through and through, buses driving through monsoon weather. Once again dished out 3,45€ for the pizza slice at school. Depressing harp lesson. Reinvigorating choral conducting lesson. Interesting performance of Händel's "Almira" at our school.
Thursday (today)
Singing lesson. Best lunch of the week (for now). Group lesson with choral conducting colleagues. Two hours conducting CM rehearsals. CM Swing rehearsal. Home for more harp practise.
Friday (tomorrow)
And to top it off, some pictures from the last days:
The view from the tram on my way home
Some from our choir preferred to enjoy the sunny weather, so extra microphones were brought outside so that the work could go on.
The first performance of the piece "The Neverending Tuning" for harp sextet.
Some of my candidates for most beautiful piece of music ever composed:
1. "Dove sono" from Mozart's opera "Le nozze di Figaro"
2. "Bogoroditse Devo", the last number of the evening service in Rahmaninov's Vigilia.
3. The "Abendsegen" (evening prayer) from "Hänsel & Gretel", the opera by Engelbert Humperdinck.
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