I've wanted to mention this for a long time, but a while ago I realised someone had put his or her toothbrush and toothpaste in the same cup where I keep mine. They have been there for so long now I'm starting to get interested - does this mean anything? A discreet attempt at flirting from one of my flatmates, perhaps? More probably ancient relics from previous inhabitants someone found and decided to put in with mine at random. Talking of previous inhabitants, you can imagine that we get a lot of mail addressed to people who have long ago moved back home. We have received everything from bank account statements to parish newsletters to letters from the gynaecologist. You might have noticed I'm tired out of my mind.
Thomas is back from Argentina, but he's bed-ridden with some exotic disease he picked up in the wilds of Patagonia (read: the flu). Symptoms are already visible in some of his flatmates, so if you want to pay a visit, do it now before we board down the flat and quarantine it. Anna had a scary accident with the bicycle today - I just don't understand how people have the courage to join the traffic of trams and cars with those things. Petra almost fell asleep at a lecture today, and as for the girls next room, the last I saw of them was in the morning when Maria got out her pots and pans to cook something yellow, and Jana told me I looked tired, as though this was the most unnatural thing at eight in the morning.
As for me, it's not long ago I was driven home from another rehearsal of Duruflé's Requiem in Gleisdorf, where I accompanied for Natasha who once again took control of the remarkably good amateur choir there, hair in its place (some strands flew out of the bun during the very adrenalin-filled third movement). Moving chronologically backwards, I voluntarily went to sing in the huge choir of our university, where the piece worked on was - surprise - Duruflé's Requiem (if you're going to get to know a piece, it's either all or nothing!!). Before that, a desperate attempt at a siesta at home which I gave up after twenty minutes. The first half of the day was spent at lessons for my major subject.

Sometimes I'm really astounded at peoples' behaviour. Yesterday, I was going to kick out someone from a class I had reserved for practising, but she seemed so desperate to stay in it, and I was not so desperate to get into it, so I told her to just stay there and did she say thank you? No, she complained about how shitty the whole reservation system was, how she never got to practise anywhere, and closed the door. Next time I see her I'm going to tell her exactly how ugly I think she is. Okay, so let's just all live in inpenetrable bubbles and mellow in our own mess, I mean who needs friendliness anyway, it's so overrated! All for one and one for one! Every man for himself!

I really should go to bed - just yesterday I was thinking about how nice people have been here, what wonderful people I have met, and how I feel like part of a bigger local community. I guess there are a lot of idiots out there, and who knows, maybe I was one of them for somebody else today. And now my reading lamp broke down! If I don't get a new one it will probably be an excuse for our landlady not to pay us back our 400€. Have I just written one of the most depressing posts ever? Maybe, but in spite of that I am still smiling. Hmm.